Thursday, January 6, 2011

Should Have Seen It Coming

 Well, I should have known that if I digressed from my original intent of this blog, the fates would find me.  After that cheery little Christmas Posting and the start of my children's book, karma found me.  Right after I decided that I was going to have a wonderful, stress free holiday for a change, disaster struck.  A little harder than usual.  Everything started to fall apart on December 17. 
Dec 17 was a Friday and the day we were to travel up to Charlotte, about a 4 hour trip, to spend the weekend with my family.  My daughter lives in Chicago, so months ago I booked her flight so she would get in early afternoon, we could start a little shopping for her and leave for Charlotte after work.  Well, I get a call that morning.  My daughter had overslept and MISSED HER FLIGHT.  Now remember, this is the weekend before Christmas and a very  busy time to fly.  8 hours and an additional $400 dollars later, I rebooked her flight but we were unable to leave for Charlotte until the next morning,  Oh course by the next morning it was raining buckets so the trip up was miserable.  The visit with the family was wonderful as always even though almost half the family couldn't make it this year. 
On the Sunday before Christmas, on our way home from Mothers, real disaster struck.  We were still about 30 minutes from home when I received a frantic hysterical phone call from the "roommate".  He had stayed home to baby sit the dogs.  My beloved Yorkie, Chloe Grace, was playing with the other dogs, ran into a chair, broke her neck, and died instantly.  We met RM at the Emergency Vet but Chloe was gone.  She had a degenerative disk in her neck so there was nothing we could have done to prevent it  I was, and still am, completely heartbroken.  She was only 4 years old and although we have 2 other dogs and more cats than we can count, she was the center of the household for humans and animals alike.  The other dogs spent the day after searching for her all over the house.  It was so sad. 
I am not through with my story just yet, but writing this has been hard so I am going to take a break.  Will pick the story up next time.  SPOILER ALERT......  It does have a somewhat happy ending but not before more karma attacks.  (Really should have been better as a teenager!!!)..

To be continued........................

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